1. Alexander Dubcek University in Trencin, Slovakia
Current demographic developments and population projections indicate that the search for approaches that lead to employees remaining in employment even after reaching retirement age will gain importance. Job satisfaction is one of the most important approaches to prolonging working life. The job satisfaction of older workers is in the scope of researchers as older age groups are growing workforce in the labor market of national economies and the European Union. Researchers are mainly focused on the relationship between job satisfaction and various factors like older age, gender, disability, skills, or salary. The scientific study aims to specify the influence of «Satisfied with job» and the factors «Work allowed development of skills», «Work had adequate salary», and «Work atmosphere» for the group of workers aged 50 and over. SHARE, the Survey of Health, Aging, and Retirement in Europe, which has a transnational dimension, is used to detect the specification of the relationship. The Chi-square test is used to detect dependence. The tightness of the dependence is detected by using Cramér’s V. Where the relationship is expressed, it is detected using adjusted standardized residuals. The strongest tightness of dependence is expressed in the case of random variables «Satisfied with job» and «Work allowed development of skills». This fact points to the importance of developing work skills among workers. At the same time, the scientific study results show that the respondents answered the same statistically significantly more than what would correspond to the assumed independence of both random variables in all three cases. It follows that if employers are trying to make their employees significantly «Satisfied with job», then in addition to adequate remuneration, they must choose procedures that lead to them also being significantly satisfied with the «Work atmosphere» and the possibilities of developing employees` skills. The significance of the conclusions obtained while fulfilling the objective is broad. Results provide employers and decision-makers with important findings about the factors influencing job satisfaction. Appropriately used management methods and interventions based on such knowledge are able to positively influence the quality of work, and work performance and fully utilize work potential.
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