1. ACD/ChemSketch, Advanced Chemistry Development, Inc. , ACD/Labs Release: 12.00 Product version: 12.00 (Build 29305, 25 Nov 2008).
2. Guidance Document on Risk Assessment for Birds and Mammals on request from EFSA;EFSA (European Food Safety Authority);EFSA Journal 2009,2009
3. EFSA (European Food Safety Authority) , 2014. Peer Review Report to the conclusion regarding the peer review of the pesticide risk assessment of the active substance gamma‐cyhalothrin. Available online: www.efsa.europa.eu
4. Opinion on a request from EFSA related to the default Q10 value used to describe the temperature effect on transformation rates of pesticides in soil;EFSA PPR Panel (EFSA Panel on Plant Protection Products and their Residues);EFSA Journal 2007,2007
5. Guidance on Dermal Absorption;EFSA PPR Panel (EFSA Panel on Plant Protection Products and their Residues);EFSA Journal 2012,2012