1. ATLANTA , 2007. Residues data (citrus fruit) under BfR database www.kennzeichnungsrecht.de/docs/.
2. EFSA (European Food Safety Authority) , 2007. Reasoned opinion on the potential chronic and acute risk to consumers' health arising from proposed temporary EU MRLs, 15 March 2007. Available online: www.efsa.europa.eu.
3. Scientific Opinion of the Panel on Plant Protection Products and their Residues (PPR Panel) to evaluate the suitability of existing methodologies and, if appropriate, the identification of new approaches to assess cumulative and synergistic risks from pesticides to human health with a view to set MRLs for those pesticides in the frame of Regulation (EC) 396/2005;EFSA (European Food Safety Authority);The EFSA Journal,2008
4. Scientific Opinion on Risk Assessment for a Selected Group of Pesticides from the Triazole Group to Test Possible Methodologies to Assess Cumulative Effects from Exposure through Food from these Pesticides on Human Health;EFSA (European Food Safety Authority);EFSA Journal,2009