Ensuring a high‐protein diet in the human population and important farm animals is closely related to looking for new protein sources intended for food and feed production. Quantitative and qualitative proteins are one of the basic components for human nutrition and farm animal nutrition. Under European conditions, there is a lack of production of protein raw material, especially those intended for livestock nutrition. Therefore, the European Agriculture policy also focuses on looking for and producing local non‐traditional protein components. One possibility for animal protein production is producing invertebrate proteins. There are currently a number of invertebrate taxa that can be used in human and animal nutrition, as illustrated by the study conducted in 2017 on the “Nutritional Value of Invertebrates and Their Application in Nutrition (present and perspectives)”. Currently, the larval stage of the Tenebrio molitor species seems to be promising, with fast use time. The presented study deals with the nutrition values of the produced biomass of Tenebrio molitor.