
Koshelev konstantin1,Belousov Nikolay1,Baranov Ilya2,Nikonorov Vladimir3


1. Tver state medical universitet

2. Dental holding "Denta-Lux"

3. FGBOU VO "Tverskoy gosudarstvennyy medicinskiy universitet" Minzdrava Rossii


Subject. An interdisciplinary approach in the science and practice of the dental industry has long become an established reality. The direct and indirect effect of a huge number of somatic diseases on the dental health of patients, the tactics of their treatment and subsequent follow-up observation was studied. One of these diseases is diabetes. On the other hand, the number of lawsuits against orthopedic dentists is growing every year and they are often associated with an insufficient, in the patient's opinion, period of comfortable use of the manufactured construction. When analyzing the causes of patients re-seeking dental orthopedic care, we revealed a significant discrepancy in their occurrence in patients with and without diabetes. In this article, we tried to describe the causes and consequences of such a phenomenon and propose ways to solve the discovered problem. The goal is to reduce the number of complications of dental orthopedic treatment in patients with diabetes mellitus. Methodology. We analyzed data from 304 patients who applied to dental clinics for the purpose of repeated prosthetics of teeth and dentitions. One of the research methods was a specially designed questionnaire, which included a number of questions for the reasons for replacing the prosthesis. Clinical and paraclinical methods for examining patients that meet the standards of care for established diagnoses were also used. Results. A clear dependence of the life of dentures on the presence of a history of diabetes was revealed. The main complaints of patients with repeated visits to the orthopedic dentist are formulated. The most common causes of early abandonment of the use of dentures were identified and the peculiarities of adaptation to them in patients with the pathology under consideration were determined. Findings. The obtained data can be applied in predicting the immediate and long-term results of prosthetics of teeth and dentitions, and on the basis of them, the period of clinical observation of patients with diabetes can be changed.


TIRAZH Publishing House

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