
Skripkina Galina1,Garifullina A'bina2,Ekimov Evgeniy1,Matskieva Olga1,Romanova Yulia1


1. Omsk State Medical University

2. Omsk state medical uiversity


Subject. The child's development process takes place in stages. At the age of 4 to 6 years, children have the first growth spurt, as a result of which the trunk and limbs increase in length. This manifests itself in the appearance of the ability to perform the Philippine Test. The beginning of the change of teeth, the order and rate of teething are important indicators of biological maturation and harmonious development of the child's body. The lack of a standardized integrated approach among specialists of various profiles in determining the correspondence of the chronological age to the biological age of each examined child dictates the need to develop and apply in practice a universal test, taking into account the dental status of the patient living in a certain geographical region. Background. The aim is to comprehensively assess the parameters of biological maturity of preschool children (5 and 6 years old) in the city of Omsk, taking into account the dental status. Methodology. The study involved 5 and 6-year-old children attending the Omsk pre-school, 55 of them boys and 46 girls-a total of 101 children. The children were divided according to odontological characteristics into three groups. The first group ― children whose number of available teeth corresponds to the terms of eruption according to Kolesov A. A. (1985); the second group ― children who have advanced terms of teething; the third group ― children whose terms of eruption lag behind the above terms. Results. An interdisciplinary approach is needed, aimed at the timely diagnosis of mineral metabolism disorders in children and the appointment of an adequate set of preventive and therapeutic measures. Findings. The established dissonance of the studied parameters of the biological maturity of the child dictates the need for a comprehensive approach to the planned medical examination of preschool children in order to determine the biological maturity of the child, taking into account the dental status of the growing organism.


TIRAZH Publishing House

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