
Гарифуллина Аьбина1,Garifullina A'bina2,Скрипкина Галина3,Skripkina Galina4,Бурнашова Таисия1,Burnashova Taisiya5


1. ФГБОУ ВО ОмГМУ Минздрава РФ

2. Omsk state medical uiversity

3. «Омский государственный медицинский университет» Минздрава России

4. Omsk State Medical University

5. FGBOU VO OmGMU Minzdrava RF


Background. Analysis of publications on the descriptive epidemiology of dental caries of children in the city of Omsk and the region shows that preventive measures that were implemented by the Department of Pediatric Dentistry in the 1990s contributed to a significant decrease in the intensity of caries of permanent teeth of a key age group of children 12 years old. However, the achieved level is still 2-3 times higher than the best world achievements and is quite far from the WHO recommendations by 2020 (the CPU of the teeth of 12-year-old children should not be more than 1.5). Objectives ― to evaluate and compare the most significant indicators of dental health in children of school age with the help of European indicators. The dental status of 12-year-olds in Omsk in 2015 and 2018 was investigated using the EGOHID-2005 system. Methods. A dental examination of 200 schoolchildren aged 12 years old was conducted in several schools in Omsk using the EGOHID-2005 system. Results. A comparative description of the dental health of children with the help of European indicators is given. It allowed to establish that, against the background of the implementation of the Program for the Prevention of Major Dental Diseases among the children's population of the region, a decrease in the incidence of dental incidence in key age groups of 12-year-old children has been observed Omsk. Conclusions. The study proves once again that it is possible to solve the problem of high incidence of dental caries in children only with the priority development of the preventive focus of modern dental services in the regions.


TIRAZH Publishing House

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