
Тимербулатова Гульназ1,Timerbulatova Gul'naz2,Ибрагимова Инна3,Ibragimova Inna4,Маннанова Флора1,Mannanova Flora2,Галиуллина Марина1,Galiullina Marina2,Ганеев Тимур1,Ganeev Timur2,Хасанова Диана3,Hasanova Diana4


1. Башкирский государственный медицинский университет

2. Bashkirskiy gosudarstvennyy medicinskiy universitet

3. ФГБОУ ВО "Башкирский государственный медицинский университет" Мигздрава россии

4. Bashkir State Medical Universitey


Background. The problem of correction of a meziookklyuziya by protetichesky methods at adult patients from 25 to 45 years is considered. Purpose ― to estimate the immediate and remote results of application of the bayonet designs made with change of an axial inclination for elimination of the return overlapping of foreteeth. Methodology. Comparative analysis by clinical methods a periotestometriya, an occlusal skanografiya of a condition of foreteeth is carried out to the next (to 6 months) and to the remote terms (from 1 year to 3 years), after protetichesky correction of a meziookklyuziya bayonet designs with a different axial inclination, designed within norm from 150 and up to 250 according to a bite on severity, with use of an articulator with a front arch. The assessment was carried out by criterion "perfectly", "well", "well", "unsatisfactorily" with certain clinical symptoms. Results. The analysis of the obtained data showed that more favorable conditions for functioning of occlusion and teeth were at the minimum axial inclination 150 what at 250 regardless of the fact that to patients of both groups, the main group and group of comparison, inclinations of long axes of foreteeth within norm were allowed. In the remote terms there were complications in the form of a rastsementirovaniye of a design, a change and mobility of a root, especially in cases of presence of a periodontal disease because of an overload and emergence of elements of traumatic occlusion. Authors are inclined to recommend broader application of orthodontic methods of correction of a meziookklyuziya before prosthetics, than correction by protetichesky methods when it is necessary to soshlifovyvat solid tissues of tooth, especially when they are intaktna. Conclusions. Protetichesky methods of correction of a meziookklyuziya at adult patients with use of bayonet designs with change of an axial inclination of a root and koronkovy part even within norm can lead to complications with loss of teeth. Therefore it is recommended to use more widely hardware orthodontic correction before prosthetics.


TIRAZH Publishing House

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