
Васильева Надежда1,Vasil'eva Nadezhda2,Булгакова Альбина3,Bulgakova Al'bina4,Имельбаева Эльмира1,Imelbaeva Elmira2,Васильев Эдуард1,Vasilyev Eduard2


1. ФГБОУ ВО "Башкирский государственный медицинский университет" Мигздрава россии

2. Bashkir State Medical Universitey

3. ФГБОУ ВО БГМУ Минздрава России

4. FGBOU VO BGMU Minzdrava Rossii


Subject. The state of local immunity before and with the use of traditional therapy is considered. As a material for assessing local immunity, the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of mixed saliva and the migration test of leukocytes were used, reflecting the severity of inflammatory phenomena in the periodontium and to determine the effectiveness of treatment. The purpose is an evaluation of local immunity of the oral cavity in the traditional therapy of inflammatory periodontal diseases. Methodology. Local immunity was studied in 204 patients with periodontal inflammatory diseases according to the test of leukocyte migration, quantitative and qualitative content of spontaneously secreted mixed saliva: the total protein content, secretory immunoglobulin A (sIgA), lysozyme. All patients underwent traditional therapy. Results. The study revealed an imbalance of local immunity and was characterized by a decrease in total production of mixed saliva in all groups of CDW patients in comparison with the control group. The level of protein was reduced in the group of moderate hippocampus, sIgA in mixed saliva in all patients, especially in cases of severe HCV. The amount of lysozyme is increased in patients with gingivitis, in mild to moderate HGP it corresponds to the content of the control group, it is decreased in patients with moderate and severe periodontitis. In the course of traditional treatment, all patients showed a tendency to normalization of these parameters and was characterized by preservation of reduced production of mixed saliva in all CDW patients, increased lysozyme content and sIgA. However, the restoration of sIgA level in CDW patients to the control group level was not observed. In the group of severe hCG, the level of lysozyme was lower than in control. Conclusions. The use of traditional therapy indicates the preservation of the intensity of immune response in patients with CDW and requires further research and more effective means of action on inflammatory mediators.


TIRAZH Publishing House

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