
Gaysina Elena1,Portnyagin Aleksey2,Spitsyna Tatyana1


1. Ural State Medical University

2. ANO "Ob'edinenie "Stomatologiya"


Subject. Periodontal disease, according to WHO, is an urgent problem in modern society. The main cause of this group of diseases is poor oral hygiene. Despite the huge number of anti-inflammatory toothpastes, the dynamics of reducing periodontal disease in society is not observed. In the absence of an effective solution to this problem, various complications can arise: pathological mobility, tooth loss, halitosis, the addition of pathogenic microflora with the further development of the inflammatory process. Good hygiene and new effective toothpastes with anti-inflammatory activity will reduce the risk of periodontal disease and improve the condition of the oral mucosa. The goal is to identify and analyze new toothpastes with anti-inflammatory activity. Methodology. A review of 25 publications from the USA, Great Britain, Germany, Spain, Croatia, China, India, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and other countries using scientific search library databases: PubMed, Medline, Cochrane, Elibrary. Results. The data of questioning people, clinical trials with "double blinding", which are based on the development and analysis of new toothpastes with anti-inflammatory activity against periodontal tissues, are examined. Conclusions. The most effective toothpastes with anti-inflammatory activity are new developments based on plant materials. However, modern studies indicate a good efficiency in the use of toothpastes with enzymatic activity against periodontal diseases. Also, new toothpastes with quite interesting compositions are currently appearing on the world market: with probiotic, active oxygen, environmentally friendly toothpastes without sodium lauryl sulfate.


TIRAZH Publishing House

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