
Зубкова Анна1,Zubkova Anna2,Фелькер Елена1,Felker Elena2,Гуйтер Ольга3,Guyter Olga4,Митин Николай3,Mitin Nikolay4,Олейников Александр5,Oleynikov Aleksandr6,Тишкина Лариса7,Tishkina Larisa8


1. ФГБОУ ВО "Курский государственный медицинский университет" Минздрава России

2. Kursk State Medical University

3. Рязанский государственный медицинский университет им. акад. И.П.Павлова

4. Ryazan State Ivan Petrovich Pavlov Medical University

5. ФГБОУ ВО "Рязанский государственный медицинский университет"

6. Ryazan State Medical University

7. ГБУ РО "Стоматологическая поликлиника №1"

8. SBI RR Dental Clinic No.1


Subject. Currently, there is an increase in the prevalence of inflammatory and non-inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity, including those combined with various organs and systems. The article addresses the issue of the occurrence of dental diseases in patients with ongoing somatic pathologies, in particular with diseases of the cardiovascular system. Aim — study of the epidemiological characteristics of dental diseases in patients with diseases of the cardiovascular system. Methodology. Since 2015, an epidemiological study of 116 patients (87 in the main group and 29 in the comparison group) was conducted. The age range is 40-60 years, in the ratio of 57 % of women and 43 % of men. For each patient, an individually developed map was filled in which the indices of the solid and soft tissues of the oral cavity were noted, as well as microbial and cytological data. Also, each patient completes the Ohip-14 dental questionnaire. Results. Lesions of caries and its complications in all groups had a similar character. The prevalence of periodontal and oral mucosa diseases is 27.6 % higher in patients with coronary heart disease. Assessing the papillary-marginal-alveolar index (PMA), the level of differences in the groups was 15.5 %. Analysis of the periodontal index (PI) revealed intergroup differences of 16.6 %. The most significant differences were found in the processing of data on the need for treatment of periodontal disease (CPITN), which amounted to 40.7 %. The results of the Schiller—Pisarev test confirmed the propensity for inflammatory processes in the gums in patients with cardiovascular pathology. Evaluating the results of the Kulazhenko test, one can speak of a sharp decrease in the resistance of capillaries in periodontal tissues in cardiac patients, the level of differences was 56.6 %. Conclusion. Summing up the epidemiological characteristics of the prevalence of the considered dental indicators, one can speak of a greater propensity for periodontal disease and oral mucosa in cardiac patients, which is confirmed by periodontal indices and samples. Also, patients with cardiac diseases are 20.3 % worse than life quality indicators.


TIRAZH Publishing House

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