
Мамедов Ризван1,Mamedov Rizvan2,Садыгова Нигяр3,Sadigova Nigar2,Ибрагимова Лала1,Ibrahimova Lala2


1. Азербайджанский медицинский университет

2. Azerbaijan Medical University

3. Азербайджанский медиицинский университет


Relevance. Medicines, taking into account the role of various microbial associations in the development of severe generalized forms of gingivitis and periodontitis, should have high antimicrobial activity, but their use can also cause growth inhibition and representatives of normal microflora. The purpose ― to evaluate the effectiveness of complex treatment of inflammatory periodontal diseases using new prophylactic agents. Material and research methods. For a comparative clinical and laboratory evaluation of the effectiveness of the therapeutic and prophylactic agents used, the patients were divided into 3 groups. With HGPLS - the control group - 18, in which treatment was limited only to hygienic education and the conduct of professional hygiene. The comparison group (20 people with CHPH) received treatment according to the generally accepted standard regimen and prescribed Curasept ADS 712 gel toothpaste. The main group (20 people with CHPH) received the standard therapy with Curaprox Enzycal toothpaste 1450ppm. Microbiological studies of a mixed oral fluid and clinical indices were performed in the work — the SBI bleeding index of the gingival sulcus (Muhlemann, 1971), Silness-Loe hygienic index (S-L, 1964). Evaluation of the cleansing, anti-inflammatory and hemostatic effects of the proposed medications was carried out before treatment and 1,3.6 months after treatment. Research results. The control group, the frequency of occurrence of A.actinomycetemcimitans and P.intermedia three months after the completion of treatment and preventive measures was 5.6 ± 5.4 and 11.1 ± 7.4 %, in the comparison group, where Curasept ADS toothpaste was administered 712, the indicators for the above bacteria dropped to zero. The detected values of the hygienic index three months after treatment in the main, control groups and in the comparison group, respectively, amounted to 1.12 ± 0.038; 1.30 ± 0.028 and 1.13 ± 0.041. In the long-term clinical observations in the main group, the values of the Conclusion. According to the data obtained, the use of Curaprox Enzycal paste with 3 enzymes and sodium fluoride in the minimum amount for use revealed its high prophylactic efficacy.


TIRAZH Publishing House

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