
Успенская Ольга1,Uspenskaya Ol'ga2,Фадеева Ирина1,Fadeeva Irina2


1. Приволжский исследовательский медицинский университет

2. Volga Research Medical University


Subject. In the modern world, the prevalence of cancer is growing every year, in this regard, this pathology is one of the most pressing problems in medicine. There is no doubt that malignant neoplasms have a complex interaction with the body. The General mechanisms of occurrence and progression of the tumor process are intensively studied, and to date, a huge amount of material on molecular and clinical Oncology has been accumulated, it is used in related disciplines. The most important sections of dentistry are the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the mucous membrane. Often, clinical manifestations in the oral cavity are one of the first symptoms indicating a General somatic disease. This article covers the study of the dental status of patients with different localizations of cancer. Objective ― to study the incidence of dental diseases of patients with cancer. Methodology. To conduct a study medical examination of patients with different localizations of cancer was held to determine dental: the definition of DMF-Index, PMA-index, Parodontal Index, and the condition of the mucous membrane of the oral cavity and periodontal tissues. Cancer patients receiving chemotherapy and radiation therapy, patients who refused to participate in the survey were excluded from the survey. Results. The study included 526 patients. The predominance of certain types of dental diseases among patients with a particular cancer pathology was revealed. Conclusions. Our study showed that all patients had decompensated forms of caries. The most common dental diseases combined with cancer are hyperplasia filiform papillae (K14.3), the "geographic" language (K14.1). Periodontal disease occurred in 69,5 % of cases among cancer patients.


TIRAZH Publishing House

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