
Успенская Ольга1,Uspenskaya Ol'ga2


1. Приволжский исследовательский медицинский университет

2. Volga Research Medical University


Background. The analysis of the dynamics of biochemical parameters of bone metabolism of the oral fluid in the treatment of rapidly progressive periodontitis with the use of drugs Eplun, Metronidazole, Osteogenon and feel better. The most effective scheme of medical treatment was determined. We propose the use of EPLAN and Osteogenon in the complex treatment of aggressive periodontitis, and the use of Parodontax COMPREHENSIVE PROTECTION and Parodontax Classic mouthwash without alcohol for a rational hygiene of oral cavity. Objectives ― study the dynamics of biochemical parameters of bone metabolism of oral fluid in the treatment of aggressive forms of periodontitis. Methods. 100 patients aged from 26 to 35 years with a diagnosis of moderate CGP were examined. Depending on the prescribed treatment, all patients were divided into 4 groups by stratified randomization of 25 people. In the treatment of patients used medicines that are allowed to use: Eplun, Metronidazole, Osteogenon, homeopathic remedy. The study of biochemical parameters of oral liquid (calcium, phosphorus, alkaline phosphatase) in patients with present study included was carried out on the time frame: before treatment, after 3, 7 days, 1, 3, 6 and 12 months follow-up, patients in the control group – once. Results. The most pronounced changes in the biochemical parameters of the oral fluid, which led to the normalization of calcium, phosphorus and schf levels, were registered in the 4th group, in the complex therapy of which the drugs "EPLAN" and "Osteogenon" were used, and for rational oral hygiene, toothpaste Parodontax COMPLEX PROTECTION and rinse Rarodontax Classic without alcohol were used. Conclusions. The inclusion in the scheme of complex treatment of drugs "EPLAN" and "Osteogenon", and for rational oral hygiene, the use of toothpaste Parodontax COMPLEX PROTECTION and rinse Parodontax Classic alcohol-free was the most effective in the treatment of rapidly progressive periodontitis.


TIRAZH Publishing House

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