1. Kazan State Medical University
Anthropogenic load significantly affects the human body. It used to think that children, due to the high metabolism, are most susceptible to the effects of the urban ecosystem. Unfavorable environmental factors affect children's health, including dental health. Heavy metals tend to accumulate in the human body, namely in bones, hair, nails, and teeth. This can serve as an indicator of the technogenic load on the body. The process of maturation of tooth enamel is closely related to the intake of mineral components into the child's body. The aim of the work is a comparative analysis of the dental status and mineral composition of hard dental tissues in children at different levels of anthropogenic load. Material and methods. With the help of basic and additional examination methods, a comparative analysis of the dental status of primary school children was carried out and described. Using atomic emission spectrometry, the mineral composition of the hard tissues of the teeth of the children under study was studied. Results. It was found that in children in an area with a high anthropogenic load, the prevalence of dental caries and the presence of systemic hypoplasia of the enamel of permanent teeth are higher. Also, these children showed a relatively low caries resistance of the enamel and the content of micro-macroelements in the hard tissues of the teeth. Conclusions. To study dental morbidity in children of primary school age at different anthropogenic loads, it is necessary to carry out a complete examination, including basic and additional research methods. Also, laboratory methods of examination are recommended, namely, the determination of the mineral composition of the hard tissues of the teeth.
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