
Chuykin Sergey1,Egorova Elena2,Makusheva Natal'ya3,AKATYEVA Galina3,Chuykin Oleg4,Aflahanova Guzel'3,SNETKOVA Tat`yana3,Chuykin Georgy3


1. Bashkir State Medical Universitey

2. Bashkirian State Medical University

3. Bashkir State Medical University

4. Bashkir State Medical University, Ufa, Russia


The study of the pathogenesis of enamel demineralization in children living in a city with ecotoxicants is an urgent task of modern dentistry. We examined 183 schoolchildren aged 7 and 12 in Ufa. The children were divided into groups depending on where they live. The first group included 94 children from an area located in an industrial district with an environmentally unfavorable situation. The second group (control) included 89 schoolchildren living in an ecologically good district of the city of Ufa. We studied the content of free calcium in the saliva of schoolchildren in two districts of the city of Ufa. When determining the activity of caries according to Vinogradova T.F. (I, II, III degree) among 7 and 12-year-old children, we did not reveal a high correlation between the district where the children live and the concentration of free calcium in the oral fluid. In the mixed saliva of 7-year-old schoolchildren of the first and second groups, the concentration of free calcium was 0.645 ± 0.018 and 0.638 ± 0.011 mm/l (p > 0.05), in 12-year-olds it was 0.603 ± 0.050 and 0.597 ± 0.040 mm/l (p > 0.05). In the industrial district, we noted the maximum increase in free calcium at the III degree of caries activity. This indicator was 0.851 ± 0.006 mmol/l (p < 0.001) in 7-year-old children, and 0.760 ± 0.005 mmol/l in 12-year-old schoolchildren (p < 0.001). While in the district without ecotoxicants, free calcium in 7-year-old schoolchildren was 0.846 ± 0.026 mmol/l (p < 0.001), and in 12-year-old children it was 0.774 ± 0.010 mmol/l (p < 0.001). Thus, the third degree of caries activity is highly correlated with an increase in the concentration of free calcium in saliva, which is proved by studies of oral fluid in schoolchildren from different districts of Ufa.


TIRAZH Publishing House


General Medicine

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