
Dem'yanenko Svetlana1,Duryagina Larisa2,Degtyareva Ludmila3,Prijma Natalia4,Dubrovina-Parus Tatiana2,Dorofeeva Olga2,Tofan Yulia2


1. Crimea State Medical University named after S.I.Georgievsky

2. Crimean Federal University. V. I. Vernadsky

3. Institute «Medical Academy named after S.I. Georgievsky» of V.I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University

4. Crimean Federal University


The purpose of the research: to study the hygienic condition of the oral cavity and clinical manifestations of diseases of the oral mucosa in patients with COVID-19 in a hospital setting and to justify the need to motivate early hygienic measures using a toothbrush and toothpaste in this contingent of patients. Material and methods. We observed 43 patients of the infectious diseases department of the Simferopol clinic aged 21–25 years with COVID-19 of mild and moderate severity. All patients underwent a comprehensive dental examination with the determination of the Green–Vermillion index, the PMA index. Particular attention was paid to the hygiene products used and the regime of hygienic measures before and during hospital stay. Results and their discussion. It was found that 67.44% of the surveyed brushed their teeth with different frequency of use of a toothbrush and toothpaste. Before admission to the hospital, 93.02% of patients brushed their teeth regularly 2 times a day. 27.91% used cleaning tampons and a mouthwash, 4.65% of the surveyed did not brush their teeth. A significant increase in the hygiene index and the PMA index was revealed in patients of groups 1 and 2 who do not use a toothbrush and paste for oral care (p < 0.001). In 27.91% of patients, changes in the lips and oral mucosa was noted: 4.65% – recurrent labial herpes, 4.65% – desquamative glossitis, aphthous rashes – 16.28%, lichenoid manifestations – 2.32% of the examined. Healing of aphthous lesions of oral mucosa in patients who brushed their teeth was noted on the day 5–10, and in patients who did not brush their teeth – on 15th day. Conclusions. The data obtained in our research indicate the need for active motivation of patients with COVID-19 in a hospital setting for early hygienic measures with the mandatory use of a toothbrush and toothpaste.


TIRAZH Publishing House


General Medicine

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