
Chuykin Oleg1,Kuchuk Kristina2,Chuykin Sergey3,Mochalov Konstantin3,Davletshin Nail'2,AKATYEVA Galina2,Makusheva Natal'ya2,Ganieva Rimma4


1. Bashkir State Medical University, Ufa, Russia

2. Bashkir State Medical University

3. Bashkir State Medical Universitey

4. Bashkirskiy gosudarstvennyy medicinskiy universitet


Objectives. Analysis of oral fluid in children with congenital cleft palate and palate defect after uranoplasty. Purpose. To analyze oral fluid in children with congenital cleft palate and palate defect after uranoplasty to determine the levels of pro-inflammatory (IL-1β, IL-6, TNF-α) and anti-inflammatory (IL-4, IL-10) cytokines and secretory immunoglobulin sIgA and evaluate physico-chemical (salivation rate, kinematic viscosity, pH) and biochemical parameters (calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, protein) of mixed saliva. Methodology. The article presents the results of studying the parameters of the oral fluid of 109 children aged 6–12 years with congenital cleft palate and palate defect after uranoplasty and 50 practically healthy children of the same age. Results. Hyperstimulation of pro-inflammatory (IL-1β, IL-6, TNF-α) and anti-inflammatory (IL-4, IL-10) cytokines in the oral fluid and a decrease in the average level of secretory immunoglobulin sIgA. In children with congenital cleft palate and defects remaining after uranoplasty, there was a deviation in the physicochemical and biochemical parameters of the oral fluid, which are manifested by a decrease in the rate of salivation, an increase in its viscosity and a shift in pH to the acid side. In contrast to the group of children without dental pathology, children with cleft palate and defects after uranoplasty showed a decrease in the content of total protein, phosphorus and calcium in the mixed saliva and an increase in the content of magnesium. Conclusions. The obtained laboratory data indicate the presence of a local inflammatory process in the oral cavity and a decrease in local immunological anti-inflammatory factors. This should be taken into account for the development of methods for preoperative sanitation of the oral mucosa in children with congenital cleft palate and a palate defect after uranoplasty at the stage of preparation for reoperation.


TIRAZH Publishing House

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