
Melnikov Yuri1,Zholudev Sergey2


1. ANO «Ob'edinenie «Stomatologiya», filial № 6

2. Ural State Medical University


This review highlights the advantages and disadvantages of various methods of navigation surgery during dental implantation surgery, which contribute to the precise surgical placement of implants. This technique can be divided into: dynamic (DN) and static navigation (SN), and static navigation can be divided into full (FN) (full surgical protocol) and pilot surgery (PS). Dynamic navigation (DN) includes drilling-driven approaches and non-computing-driven approaches. In dynamic navigation, bone formation and implant placement are fully monitored using special software; while static navigation refers to the use of static navigation patterns. The complete surgical protocol associated with flapless surgery and milling cutter guides has demonstrated the highest accuracy, followed by pilot surgery, which can provide comparable results, while the installation of implants without a computer provides the least accuracy when transferring the implant positioning from preoperative planning to the patient. In addition, the surgical stage without folding the flap is associated with a reduction in pain, less consumption of painkillers, less swelling, shorter time in the chair and a reduced risk of bleeding while achieving greater patient satisfaction. However, other methods, such as non-computer implantation procedures, require more surgical experience to overcome their limitations. There is still little evidence to support dynamic surgery, and further research is needed.


TIRAZH Publishing House

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