Leadership Effectiveness in Chinese Universities: The Significance of Organizational Culture


Xuejing Feng


In the modern world, or the era of globalization, a successful manager must be sensitive enough to arrange any strategic opportunities, be the architect of the organization, and motivate staff members toward this new change by applying and practicing not only intelligence quotient but also emotional and spiritual quotients. Managers with good personal traits could be defined as leaders or managers who are aware of social responsibility and emphasize it in their processing activities. Even though the leaders having the capabilities, it would not be effective if it’s not associated with organizational culture. There are a number of reasons why the idea of organizational culture has gained popularity and momentum in the recent years. This study's goal is to investigate the high relation between organizational culture (Clan Cultures, Adhocracy Cultures, Hierarchical Cultures, and Market Cultures) and leadership effectiveness among leaders in higher education institutions in China. For a better understanding of the study, which strives to explain the concept of leadership and its behavior in order to achieve effectiveness in the education industry, the following objectives are outlined. Clearly, the researcher intends to comprehend the notion of organizational culture in order to contribute to the growth of knowledge using Process Leadership Theory and the integrative conceptual framework for this study. This study's discussion indirectly will be able to improves the leadership capabilities and effectiveness of Chinese managers at HEIs. The authorities of the education system and administration will benefit from this study by getting a knowledge of the leadership competency of each university's administrators and being able to incorporate this data into training and competency modules.


Fayrel Management Services

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