Analysis of labor resources of personal subsidiary plots on the base of household accounting data


Ukolova Anna1,Dashieva Bayarma1


1. Russian Timiryazev State Agrarian University


The aim of the study is to develop and test a methodology for analyzing the labor resources of personal subsidiary plots (PSP) on the base of household accounting data. The subject of the research is the system of statistical indicators used for PSP data observation. The methods of statistical factorial analytical grouping, combination and multidimensional grouping, cluster analysis were used. The scientific novelty of the research consists in the theoretical development and approbation of a methodology for analyzing the labor resources of personal subsidiary plots on the base of primary data from household books of a rural settlement. The study revealed the presence of a strong differentiation of personal subsidiary plots, which indicates the need to develop their typology also for the study of labor resources. The proposed methodology of typology makes it possible to single out personal subsidiary plots that are not engaged in agriculture, farms producing for their own consumption and households with high level of marketability, which have the ability to transform into individual entrepreneurs and peasant farms. The results of the study can be used in the development of a more flexible agricultural policy at the regional and municipal levels to increase employment in the rural areas, preserve the rural lifestyle, taking into account various types of personal subsidiary plots.


PANORAMA Publishing House


General Engineering

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