The problem of iodine deficiency in the environment and prevention of iodine deficiency diseases in the Orel region


,Simonova V. G.ORCID


Iodine deficiency diseases continue to be a problem in various regions of the world, especially in areas with low iodine content in soils and waters. Among other regions of Russia, the Orel region belongs to territories with a low iodine content in the environment. The aim of the work was to analyze the state of the problem of iodine deficiency in the environment and the prevention of iodine deficiency diseases in the Orel region based on scientific literature data. To achieve this goal, scientific publications, accounting and reporting statistics related to the problem of iodine deficiency were studied. The analysis showed a low iodine content in water, soil and food products produced in the territory of the Oryol region. An assessment of citizens’ preferences for certain foods revealed the priority of bakery and dairy products. Measures are being taken in the region to enrich these food products with iodine, but low awareness of the population reduces the effectiveness of preventive measures. As priority areas for the prevention of iodine deficiency conditions in the Orel region, it is necessary to continue work on the inclusion of food additives and products enriched with this trace element in the diet of residents of the region. At the same time, it will be important to intensify awareness-raising work with the population.


PANORAMA Publishing House

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