1. Federal Budgetary Scientifi c Institution Novosibirsk Scientifi c Research Institute of Hygiene of Rospotrebnadzor
Child health indicators in Russia indicate a negative trend for more than three decades. The formation of children’s health is determined by environmental factors, the level of development of the education system, a complex of socio-economic factors, and lifestyle. The study conducted a retrospective assessment of the incidence of children and adolescents with diseases etiologically related to the food factor in the Russian Federation as a whole and the subjects where cadet corps are located. Analysis of official data of the Ministry of health of the Russian Federation from 2011 to 2019 on the total incidence of food-related factors indicates an increase in the incidence of endocrine diseases, diabetes, and obesity in children aged 0–14 years. Children aged 15–17 years showed an increase in the average long-term indicator for diseases of the endocrine system, thyroid diseases, diabetes, obesity, and anemia. Ranking of subjects of the Volga Federal district based on the average long-term data of morbidity indicators, etiologically related to the food factor, made it possible to identify risk areas. According to the results of ranking 1 rank place was taken by the Republic of Tatarstan, the second — Bashkortostan, third place — the Chuvash Republic, fourth place — Perm Krai, fifth place — Udmurt Republic, sixth place — Nizhny Novgorod oblast. According to these diseases, the negative dynamics remains. In General, on the territory of the Volga Federal district, the incidence of children and adolescents corresponds to all-Russian trends, however, the situation is much worse for a number of diseases that are etiologically related to the food factor, namely, diseases of the endocrine system and obesity.
PANORAMA Publishing House
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