Influence of use of domestic enzymes in compound feed of geese on the yield of down and feather raw materials


Lavrentev A. Yu., ,Kostomakhin N. M.ORCID,Sherne V. S.,Musaev F. A., , ,


A promising direction for the development of the poultry industry is to expand the range of products and improve its quality indicators. One of the ways to solve this problem may be the breeding of geese. The success of the further development of goose breeding will largely be determined by the level of breeding work, complete feeding, the technology of poultry housing used, as well as the prime-cost of the products and their quality characteristics. The expediency of producing goose products will be eff ective only when breeding highly productive breeds and lines of geese that ensure the competitiveness of farms in the domestic and foreign market. The purpose of the research was to study the eff ect of the use of domestic enzymes Amylosubtilin G3x, CelluLux-F and Protosubtilin G3x in geese compound feed on the yield of down and feather raw materials. The scientifi c and economic experiment was carried out on purebred young geese of Lindov breed. The geese (males and females) were normally developed and healthy. In order to conduct the experiment, three groups of young gees (control and two experimental ones) were formed on the principle of analog groups with respect to origin, sex and live weight, 60 heads (30 males and 30 females) in each group. The duration of the trial period was 77 days. The goslings of the 1st experimental group received the enzymes Amylosubtilin G3x and Protosubtilin G3x together with the compound feed, for the goslings of the 2nd experimental group the compound feed was enriched with the enzyme drugs Amylosubtilin G3x and CelluLux-F. It was found on the base of the results obtained that the use of a mixture of domestic enzyme drugs as part of the compound feed of the geese of Lindov breed improves the indicators of down and feather productivity of young animals. The highest amount of down mass in male geese was obtained in the 1st and 2nd experimental groups, which was 11,0 and 13,1 % higher compared to the herdmates of the control group, respectively. In female geese, this advantage was 15,0 and 18,0 %, respectively.


PANORAMA Publishing House


Materials Chemistry,Economics and Econometrics,Media Technology,Forestry

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