Use of Sel-Plex drug, plant extracts and phytobiotics in feeding of broilers


,Bagno O. A.,Shevchenko S. A.,


Part of complex measures aimed at replacing the use of antibiotics for preventive purposes when rearing poultry is the use in their diets of feed additives with antibacterial, anti-infl ammatory and other eff ects that help normalize the homeostasis of the body, the functions of the microbiota of the gastrointestinal tract, and increase the natural resistance and productivity of poultry. These products include plant feed additives such as phytobiotics or phytogenics. The purpose of the research was to study the use of the drug Sel-Plex, plant extracts and phytobiotics in feeding of broilers. Scientifi c research was carried out in agricultural enterprises of the Kemerovo region on broiler chickens of the crosses Smena-2 and ISA F15. It has been established that when rearing of broiler chickens in poultry farms in biogeochemical zones with low selenium content, in order to increase the level of productivity and selenium content in poultry meat. It is advisable to introduce Sel-Plex into the diet at a dose of 200 mg/kg of feed throughout the entire period poultry rearing. In order to increase the effi ciency of poultry meat production and implement the strategy of replacing feed antibiotics in diets as part of a program of preventive measures, when rearing broiler chickens, we propose to include in the compound feed a complex phytobiotic containing extracts of creeping thyme at a dose of 8 mg/kg body weight, mustard of sarepta at the dose of 70 mg/kg of feed, garlic at the dose of 0,625 g/kg of feed, Echinacea purpurea at the dose of 8,6 mg/kg body weight, milk thistle at the dose of 2,0 mg/kg body weight, stinging nettle at the dose of 5,0 mg /kg body weight, mountain ash at the dose of 40 mg/kg body weight, rose hips at the dose of 10 mg/kg body weight, Jerusalem artichoke at the dose of 92 mg/kg body weight from one day to 33 days of age of the broilers.


PANORAMA Publishing House

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