Milk productivity of cattle of different breed belonging under the conditions of Yakutia


Zakharova L. N.,


The purpose of the work was to evaluate the milk productivity of imported purebred and locally selected cows of diff erent breed belonging under the economic conditions of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). The comparative characteristics of dairy productivity of cattle breeds imported to the republic and animals of local breeding have been considered. The research was carried out on the livestock of breeding cattle of Simmental breed in LLC “Ampaardaakh” in the Vilyuysky ulus, where heifers of Simmental breed were imported from the Novosibirsk region. In the daily ration of lactating cows of the farm, the content of energy feed units and digestible protein was 100,0 and 95,2 % of the standard feeding norm. In the fi rst lactation the milk yield of cows of the imported Simmental breed was 3198,8 kg of milk with a fat content of 3,94 %. A comparison of the productivity of cows of the original Simmental breed showed that they were more productive compared to their herdmates of Red steppe breed, which were imported to the republic from the Altai Territory. Thus, for all analyzed lactations 798, 1610, 1014, 1389 and 938 kg (P > 0,999) more milk was received from cows of Simmental breed imported to the republic than from herdmates of Red steppe breed. Cows of Simmental breed imported to the republic were statistically signifi cantly superior to their herdmates of Simmental breed of local selection for all mature lactations (P > 0,999). Comparison of the fat content of cows of diff erent breeds did not show significant differences. According to the yield of milk fat, imported cows of Simmental and Red steppe breeds had a higher indicator than Simmental cattle of local breeding (P > 0,999).


PANORAMA Publishing House


Materials Chemistry,Economics and Econometrics,Media Technology,Forestry

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