The use of high-protein feed in combination with smektitny kizelgur for feeding of young pigs


Gamko L. N., ,Khomchenko V. V.,


Currently, the efforts of scientists are aimed at improving the pig feeding system with the inclusion of high-protein components in the composition of compound feed. In order to increase the productivity and efficiency of the use of nutrients, feed include high-protein animal feed and mineral additieves. The purpose of the work was to study the use of high-protein feed in combination with smektitny kizelgur in feeding young pigs. The research has been carried out at the pig complex of OOO “Bryansk Meat Processing Plant”, which production facilities are located in the Karachevsky area in the Bryansk region. As an object of research, crossbred young pigs were involved in rearing. In order to conduct two scientific and economic experiments, groups of weaned piglets were formed according to the principle of pairs of analogues. The origin, age, live weight and growth energy of pigs were taken into account. It has been found that the feeding of compound feed, which included high-protein feed with the addition of smektitny kizelgur in the dose of 1,5 and 2,0 %, increased the digestibility of nutrients in the experimental groups. As the result of feeding young pigs of experimental groups on the rearing of compound feed, which included high-protein feed and the natural mineral additive, the positive influence on the results of control slaughter and the decrease in the longest muscle of the back, liver and femur of heavy metals has been established. The calculation of the economic efficiency of feeding different composition of compound feed to young pigs showed that the profit in the first experiment in the 3rd experimental group, which was fed compound feed with the addition of 2,0 % smektitny kizelgur, was 9,88 % more in comparison with the control group. The payback of additional costs in this group amounted to 6,3 rubles. The level of profitability in the 3rd experimental group was 17,44 %, and it was higher than in the control. A similar pattern was found in the second experiment.


PANORAMA Publishing House


General Medicine

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