Domestic enzyme preparation in compound feeds for young pigs on fattening


Mihaylova Liliya,Lavrentev Anatoliy1


1. Chuvash State Agrocultural Academy


Abstract. Rational organization of feeding is always one of the decisive factors for achieving high productivity of animals. An important task of modern pig breeding is to reduce costs by increasing the digestibility of digested feed nutrients by the animal's body. One of the significant ways that are necessary to solve the task can be considered the additional inclusion of biologically active substances in the composition of animal feed for farm animals, namely modern enzyme preparations of a new generation. The animal body needs them to increase the digestibility of nutrients coming from the feed. The purpose is to study the effect of “Feedbest P5000 GT” enzyme preparation as part of compound feeds on the growth, development and feed costs of fattened young pigs. Methods. In order to achieve this goal, a scientific and economic experiment was conducted on young pigs of large white breed aged from 60 to 210 days. For the experiment, 4 groups of young pigs of 12 heads each were formed according to the principle of analog groups, taking into account breed, gender, age, and live weight. The animals are kept in groups. To determine the effectiveness of “Feedbest P5000 GT” for the growth and development of fattened young pigs, weighings were carried out every thirty days and animal measurements were taken, in addition, the consumption of feed and residues for the next day was taken into account. The composition of compound feeds enriched with “Feedbest P5000 GT” enzyme preparation during the experiment allowed to increase the growth, development and reduce the cost of compound feed per unit of production of fattened young pigs. Results. The use of “Feedbest P5000 GT” enzyme preparation in compound feeds made it possible to increase the average daily live weight gain of young pigs by 4.8 %, 9.3 % and 6.8 %, to obtain a reduction in feed costs by 4.7 %, 8.6 % and 6.5 % compared with the young pigs of the control group. The best indicators were found in animals of the second experimental group, where the studied enzyme preparation in the amount of 90 g/t was additionally introduced into the compound feed. Scientific novelty. For the first time, studies have been conducted to determine the optimal dose of the enzyme preparation “Feedbest P5000 GT” in compound feeds for young pigs. The effect of the drug on growth, development and feed costs has been studied.


Urals State Agrarian University


General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Engineering,General Environmental Science

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