Issues of Increasing Motivation to Learn a Second Foreign Language (German) as an Integral Element of Soft Power Policy in The Context of a Reduction of External Political and Trade Contacts


,Chursina M. A., ,Shapor M. A.ORCID,


The presented work is devoted to the study of mechanisms for attracting students (students specializing in foreign economics or international law) and increasing their motivation to learn a second foreign language (German). It is worth noting that the author’s choice of journal The World Economics to present his thoughts is not accidental, since the main contingent of readers of this publication are also foreign economic specialists. Thus, the purpose of this article is to develop proposals for the implementation of an integrated approach to the issues of increasing motivation for learning German as a second foreign language, which, according to the author’s position, includes the following components: 1. Analysis of external factors that have shaped the current state of the environment, where the main role is played by geopolitics (not even the actual politics or economics of individual countries), and cooperation with foreign, in particular German companies, which interests us to a greater extent, may be in further implemented and (or) continued taking into account the use of the mechanisms of the “soft power” concept, the main element of which is knowledge of the language of its trading (or) investment partner. 2. Analysis of the concept of “soft power” in connection with the study of a foreign language (German) in modern realities. 3. Analysis of the educational technologies used for mastering a foreign language (German) in modern conditions of the geopolitical crisis, in particular, the rationale for working with presentations and their role in mastering a foreign language. 4. The final element of the presented approach is the actual assessment of the role of the teacher in the current conditions and the elements of his mentoring activities, in addition to the traditional educational component in the course of mastering this subject.


PANORAMA Publishing House

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