State family policy in the Russian Federation: socio-economic situation of families and trends in their life


,Ustinovich Elena StepanovnaORCID


The year 2024 has been declared by the head of state, President of Russia Vladimir Putin, the Year of the Family. As stated in the presidential decree, the decision was made in order to popularize state policy in the field of family protection and traditional values. It should be noted that in the XXI century in Russia, the Year of the Family was announced twice — in 2008 and in 2024. This indicates the special attention paid by the country’s leadership, political and State institutions and civil society institutions to this topic. In the Russian Federation, many government programs aimed at strengthening the institution of the family have been developed, created and implemented recently. And there are many reasons for this, including those that, unfortunately, are far from optimistic. Russia as a state and Russian society is faced with a number of social problems that threaten many of the established foundations, values, and the future of the country. As never before in the modern history of Russia, issues of social security are coming to the fore. Real threats loomed over the most important social institution — the family. In our state, the family is protected at the highest constitutional level. Article 38 of the basic law of our country establishes a direct norm — the protection of the family, motherhood and childhood by the State. At the government level, a whole system of indicators has been developed that are subject to constant monitoring in order to ensure the relevance of state policy in the social sphere and its continuous improvement. The article presents an analysis of the main problems of state family policy in Russia through the prism of the main socio-economic indicators. Official statistics data were used.


PANORAMA Publishing House

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