
Alekseev P1,Andrianov A2,Bakanov M3,Balanin A1,Gulevich A4,Dekusar V4,Egorov A4,Korobeinikov V4,Marova E5,Maslov A5,Moseev A4,Nevinitsa V1,Teplov P3,Farakshin M5,Fomichenko P1,Shepelev S5


1. National Research Centre “Kurchatov Institute”

2. Obninsk Institute for Nuclear Power Engineering of NRNU MEPhI

3. JSC “Rosenergoatom”

4. A.I. Leypunsky Institute for Physics and Power Engineering

5. Afrikantov Experimental Design Bureau for Mechanical Engineering


The development of an energy system, including nuclear, is a long and multi-stage process. The complexity of the process is determined by the deep degree of workforce decomposition at nuclear power facilities, high capital and science intensity of the industry. When assessing the prospects, it is necessary to take into account many significant external factors and uncertainty of the future macroeconomics development trends. In the process of analysis and decision-making on the development of the country's energy system, there are many participants of technological concepts are involved, often with divergent interests. The main task of justifying decisions on the development of the energy industry and, in particular, nuclear power are coordination of interests of all subjects of relations and methodology the formation of mechanisms to ensure the development process. In such an assessment, the ultimate goal is sustainable development. To determine the technological development of the energy system with nuclear and non-nuclear power technologies for the next 5-10 years, it is necessary to assess the long-term prospects of such scenarios. This task requires a multi-criteria approach to analyze the competitiveness of technology using a list of criteria of competitive advantages, combining economic indicators and indicators that characterize safety, environmental impact, risks of implementation, development prospects. This paper discusses the results of multi-criteria system analysis using international assessment tools. The transfer of Russian nuclear power to the two-component nuclear energy system with VVER and BN reactors and the expansion of the international fuel business by providing a full range of NFC services was evaluated using a set of key criteria.


Institute for Physics and Power Engineering (IPPE, Inc.)

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