The basic incentive mechanism of social activity of the individual


Grigoryeva M.V.1


1. Saratov State University


The main provisions of the system-diachronic approach to the study of the phenomenon of social activity of the individual are developed. Social activity, from the point of view of the system-diachronic approach, should be considered as a multi-level education, including cognitive, emotional-evaluative, motivational and socio-psychological phenomena combined in acts of interaction between the individual and the social environment undergoing qualitative changes in time. Description of the past, present and future state of the system “personality — social group”, the identification of elements of the system, progressively or regressively transformed, are the necessary conditions for a system-diachronic analysis of social activity. The basic incentive mechanism of the person’s social activity is revealed — diachronic mismatch in the system “personality — social environment”, as well as private cognitive, emotional-evaluative, motivational and socio-psychological mechanisms of social activity of the individual and the group.


Russian Science Foundation


Federal State-Financed Educational Institution of Higher Education Moscow State University of Psychology and Education

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