Study of Sociality as a Personal Characteristic of a Leader: Construction of a Questionnaire and its Validation


Bogacheva T.I.1ORCID


1. Kursk State University


The article discusses theoretical approaches to understanding sociality as a personal characteristic. The author’s definition of the concept of “sociability” is proposed, which is understood as a personality property that characterizes the degree of its involvement in the social microenvironment, due to the psychoemotional stability of the individual and manifested in his adaptive and perceptual-interactive skills. The author’s psychodiagnostic technique for measuring sociality as a personal characteristic is presented. A distinctive feature of this technique lies in the simplicity of the diagnostic procedure, in the ability to identify not only the current level of development of sociality, but also to determine the features of its structure in the subject. The article describes the main psychometric characteristics of the technique: constructive and convergent validity, discriminativeness, reliability, representativeness. In order to determine the convergent validity, a correlation was established between the scales of the author’s methodology and the methodology for diagnosing perceptual-interactive competence, as well as the VSC questionnaire («self-control» scale). The proposed author’s psychodiagnostic tools can be used to solve academic and applied problems in the field of personality psychology, developmental psychology, educational psychology, leadership psychology, organizational psychology and other areas of psychological science to determine the current level of development of sociality of the researcher at the age of 14 to 25 years.


Federal State-Financed Educational Institution of Higher Education Moscow State University of Psychology and Education

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