The Influence of Different Types of Stress on Psychological Age


Finogenova T.A.1ORCID,Berezina T.N.2ORCID,Litvinova A.V.3ORCID,Rybtsov S.A.4ORCID


1. Moscow State University of Psychology and Education

2. Moscow Institute of Psychology and Sociology

3. Moscow State University of Psychology & Education

4. University of Edinburgh


<p style="text-align: justify;">The article presents an analysis of modern research on the problem of the impact of stress on the biopsychological age of a person. Understanding the reasons for the increase in biopsychological age is important in the search for ways to slow down premature aging. Various types of stress are considered: combat stress (&ldquo;war stress&rdquo;), professional (work), retirement, COVID-19-related stress, as well as social isolation stress (&ldquo;loneliness stress&rdquo;). It is revealed that the &ldquo;Stress of war&rdquo; accelerates the pace of psychological (subjective), biological, epigenetic aging, causes a mismatch of biological and psychological ages. The consequence of occupational stress is an increase in the number of biomarkers of aging. Retirement stress and &ldquo;loneliness stress&rdquo; increase the biological age relative to the calendar. The impact of psychological stress in old age, as well as stress associated with an infectious disease, increases the immunological age and enhances immunological aging. All types of stress reduce the quality of life, increase the risk of premature aging and premature death. Based on the results of the review, it was suggested that one of the most effective factors capable of minimizing the harmful effects of stress on a person's biopsychological age is the psychological security of the individual.</p>


Moscow State University of Psychology and Education


General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Engineering,General Environmental Science

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