1. Moscow Institute of Psychology and Sociology
2. Moscow State University of Psychology & Education
<p style="text-align: justify;">The article examines the dependence of professional burnout of secondary school teachers on the favorable educational environment and on the age characteristics of teachers. The study was carried out in two stages (the first stage included the study of the relationship between the professional burnout of teachers and age characteristics; the second stage was aimed at studying the relationship between the indicators of the favorable educational environment of the school and the professional burnout of teachers). The study involved 70 subjects (women, mean age 43.2 + 12.61 years, minimum age 23 years, maximum age 62). The main research methods were: diagnostic (MBI professional burnout questionnaire, educational environment safety questionnaire, psychotic atmosphere in the team questionnaire, assessment of the index of relative biological aging according to V.P. Voitenko) and statistical (correlation analysis and stepwise multiple regression with the inclusion of variables). The authors come to the conclusion that for teachers with a work experience of 1 year or more, there is no linear relationship between experience, calendar age and indicators of professional burnout. At the same time, there is a correlation between the indicators of burnout and the index of relative biological aging: the higher the indicators of burnout, the stronger the rate of biological aging of the body. The main conclusion in the work is the established fact of the relationship of professional burnout with an increase in biological age, and the absence of a linear relationship with calendar age and length of service. On the other hand, professional burnout depends on the degree of favorable educational environment: the more favorable the environment, the less burnout.</p>
Moscow State University of Psychology and Education
General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Environmental Science
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