The Main Approaches and Concepts of Creative Thinking


Koziakov R.V.1ORCID


1. Federal State Public Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education «Moscow Academy of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation»


<p>The research is aimed at systematizing the most effective approaches to the study of creative thinking in foreign and domestic science. The following directions of studying creative thinking are considered: on the basis with which it is associated; on the paradigm that underlies it; on essential grounds; on the typology of creative achievements; on the basis of the approach developed within a certain scientific school; on the study of the features of the activity process; on developing practices; on adherence to the main factor influencing creative thinking; based on the allocation of components in the structure; based on the differences between creative and non-creative thinking; compensation of undeveloped components of creative thinking by strengthening more developed ones; neuropsychological approach (cognitive), from the point of view of self-actualization of personality. After the analysis, we tend to believe that the multicomponent consideration of creative thinking is the most effective one. When studying and developing creative thinking, it is important to pay attention not only to the operational component of creative thinking, but also semantic, motivational, emotional components (interest, joy from engaging in creative activity), which determine moral meanings, attitudes, states that ensure the manifestation of creative thinking in activity. Only with the simultaneous development of semantic, activity and emotional components of creative thinking, its development will be the most harmonious one, being carried out with the less effort on the part of students and a teacher.</p>


Federal State-Financed Educational Institution of Higher Education Moscow State University of Psychology and Education


General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Engineering,General Environmental Science

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