1. Russian State Social University (FSBEI HE RGSU)
2. Ivanovo State University
<p style="text-align: justify;">The concerns the problem of measuring the psychological security of the individual and society, which is regarded as one of the priority areas of psychological theory and practice. The article emphasizes the interdisciplinary nature of psychological security, which has become the subject of personality psychology, developmental psychology, social psychology, clinical and medical psychology, organizational psychology and labor psychology, and which apply various methods of psychodiagnostics. Conceptual approaches to psychological security as a value and need, personal and environmental characteristics, as well as an indicator of work activity in a team, and methods of its diagnosis developed by foreign researchers are presented. Some of the techniques developed in the 20th century have shown their reliability and validity and are still used in modified and adapted versions for different languages today. The methods developed in the last five years, which are designed as a result of growing problems connected with psychological security of a person in changing social conditions are also discussed. These techniques still require extensive testing of psychometrics in order to make a final decision on their reliability, validity and scope of application.</p>
Moscow State University of Psychology and Education
General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Engineering,General Environmental Science
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