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2. Gorbatova M.K., Nadygina E.V., Nosakova E.S. Novye podkhody k formirovaniyu pravosoznaniya studentov-yuristov v kontekste reformirovaniya vysshego yuridicheskogo obrazovaniya [New approaches to law students of justice in the context of the reform of higher legal education]. Yuridicheskoe obrazovanie i nauka [Legal education and science], 2011, no. 4, pp. 22â25. (In Russ., Abstr. in Engl.).
3. Dvoryanchikov N.V., Savkina I.A. Issledovanie osobennostei pravosoznaniya nesovershennoletnikh [Elektronnyi resurs] [Investigation of the features of justice minors]. Psikhologicheskaya nauka i obrazovanie PSYEDU.ru [Psychological Science and Education PSYEDU.ru], 2011, no. 1. Available at: https://psyjournals.ru/psyedu_ru/2011/n1/39933.shtml (Accessed: 09.04.2014). (In Russ., Abstr. in Engl.)
4. Domnina A.V. Novye tendentsii, skladyvayushchiesya v sfere vysshego yuridicheskogo obrazovaniya, ikh vliyanie na formirovanie professional'nogo pravosoznaniya [New trends developing in the field of higher legal education, their influence on the formation of professional sense of justice]. Yuridicheskoe obrazovanie i nauka [Legal education and science], 2011, no. 1. pp. 7â10. (In Russ., Abstr. in Engl.).
5. Egorov I.A. Yuridicheskaya psikhologiya i federal'nye gosudarstvennye obrazovatel'nye standarty tret'ego pokoleniya [Elektronnyi resurs] [Legal psychology and the federal state educational standards of the third generation]. Psikhologiya i pravo [Psychology and Law], 2011, no. 3. Available at: https://psyjournals.ru/psyandlaw/2011/n3/46578.shtml (Accessed: 09.04.2014). (In Russ., Abstr. in Engl.).