Diagnostic and forensic assessment of the psychological consequences of sexual violence and abuse against girls


Nutskova E.V.1


1. Federal State Budgetary Institution "V. Serbsky Federal Medical Research Centre for Psychiatry and Narcology" of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation


The article presents the results of a comprehensive psychological and psychiatric examination of 200 minors victims of sexual violence and abuse. A set of methods was used, including the methodology of life quality research, maps of disadaptation assessment, a set of techniques used in the production of cspe, methods of mathematical statistics and data analysis. Depending on the mental state of the victim, the psychological consequences of sexual violence and clinical and psychological abuse were identified. Described 4 types of consequences that vary in severity: psychogenic condition in the form of the disorder (1) and psychogenic condition in the form of reaction (2) (clinical level); adverse psychological condition (3) and minimal negative psychological condition (4) (psychological level). It is established that with the aggravation of the mental state of the victims, from the minimum unfavorable to the psychogenic state in the form of a disorder, the coverage of the spheres of mental activity, the number and severity of signs of post-traumatic reactions expands. The psychological effects demonstrated by mentally healthy victims indicate a decline in their quality of life.


Federal State-Financed Educational Institution of Higher Education Moscow State University of Psychology and Education


General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Environmental Science

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