Analytical review of studies on uncertainty and the study of coping strategies in law enforcement officers


Rogachev V.A.1,Konopleva I.N.1


1. Moscow State University of Psychology and Education


The paper deals with the problem of studying tolerance to uncertainty and coping behavior of law enforcement officers. The theoretical aspects of the problem are analyzed, the specificity of the use of the category "uncertainty" in psychology is revealed. The article presents the history of the formation of the construct of tolerance / tolerance to uncertainty in psychology, the current state of the problem of tolerance to uncertainty in psychology. The problem of studying the coping behavior of law enforcement officers is considered. Coping behavior, its essence and main components are characterized. The main directions in the study of coping strategies of law enforcement officers. The interrelationship and influence of tolerance to uncertainty on coping strategy of coping behavior in different spheres of activity are considered. It is shown that the coping behavior consists of coping strategies and coping resources. In psychological studies, tolerance to uncertainty is considered as one of the key resources of the individual in dealing with stressful situations.


Federal State-Financed Educational Institution of Higher Education Moscow State University of Psychology and Education


General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Environmental Science

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