Psychology of Participants in Criminal Proceedings: the Coping-Strategy of the Aggrieved Party


Andrianov M.S.1ORCID


1. Research Institute of University of the Prosecutor’s Office of the Russian Federation


The article substantiates the need to develop a theory of the psychology of the aggrieved party - an important participant in criminal proceedings. When analysing that person's behavior during criminal proceedings it is suggested to use the concept of "coping behavior", serving as a specific psychological mechanism and a manifestation of a general process of individual self-regulation of activity, that is, the means of conscious adaptation, seeking for personality attitude and reasoned sequence of certain actions to overcome the traumatic circumstances. The major types of strategies for coping with emotions and negative effects of adverse and stressful life situations have been discussed. It is postulated that the leading coping-strategy acts as a mediator between the observed behavior of the aggrieved person and his/her underlying personality characteristics. It has been shown that knowledge, understanding and awareness of such leading behavioral strategy of an aggrieved individual make it possible to have reasoned judgements of his/her personality, facilitate establishing a psychological contact, having positive interaction with him/her and thereby improve the efficiency of criminal proceedings.


Federal State-Financed Educational Institution of Higher Education Moscow State University of Psychology and Education


General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Environmental Science

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