1. Andrianov M.S. Organizatsiya i psikhologicheskoe vozdeistvie paralingvisticheskogo diskursa [Organization and psychological impact of paralinguistic discourse]. Psikhologiya. Istoriko-kriticheskie obzory i sovremennye issledovaniya [Psychology. Historical and critical reviews and modern research]. 2017. Volume 6. No. 2A, pp. 157 â 170. (In Russ., Abstr. In Engl.).
2. Andrianov M.S. Problema psikhologicheskoi ustanovki k poterpevshemu u drugikh uchastnikov ugolovnogo protsessa [The problem of psychological attitude to the victim in other participants of the criminal process]. Kochenovskie chteniya «Psikhologiya i pravo v sovremennoi Rossii». Sb. tezisov uchastnikov Vserossiiskoi konferentsii po yuridicheskoi psikhologii s mezhdunarodnym uchastiem [Kochenov's readings "Psychology and law in modern Russia". Collection of abstracts of participants of the all-Russian conference on legal psychology with international participation]. Moscow: Publ. MGPPU, 2016, pp. 7 â 8.
3. Andrianov M.S. Psikhologicheskie aspekty vzaimodeistviya poterpevshego s uchastnikami ugolovnogo protsessa [Psychological aspects of the victim's interaction with participants in the criminal process]. In Sitkovskaya O.D. (ed). Psikhologicheskie osobennosti uchastnikov ugolovnogo protsessa. Sb. nauch. tr. [Psychological characteristics of participants in criminal proceedings]. Moscow: Publ. University of the Prosecutor's office of the Russian Federation, 2018, pp. 6 â 12.
4. Andrianov M.S. Sovladayushchee povedenie poterpevshego i ego uchet v ugolovnom sudoproizvodstve [Coping behavior of the victim and its accounting in criminal proceedings]. Vestnik Universiteta prokuratury Rossiiskoi Federatsii [Bulletin of the University of the Prosecutor's office of the Russian Federation]. No. â 5 (67), 2018, pp. 85-90. (In Russ., Abstr. In Engl.).
5. Bulanova N.V., Reshetova N.Yu., Komogortseva K.A. Razbiratel'stvo sudom ugolovnykh del v osobom poryadke: problemy pravoprimeneniya. Nauch. Doklad [Special court proceedings in criminal cases: problems of law enforcement. Science Report]. Moscow: Publ. Academy of the Prosecutor General's office of the Russian Federation, 2015, 72 p.