Values-related and Moral Foundations of legal Nihilism of Youth


Protasova I.N.1ORCID,Sychev O.A.1ORCID,Anoshkin I.V.2ORCID


1. Shukshin Altai State University for Humanities and Pedagogy

2. V.I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University


Researching the psychological causes of legal nihilism in young people is urgent nowadays due to the considerable negative effect which this problem has on the society. Previous studies of psychological causes of legal nihilism often didn't take into account contemporary theoretical approaches (such as Moral Foundations Theory by J. Haidt) and relied on tools with unknown psychometric characteristics. The current research checked the hypothesis of values-related and moral foundations of legal nihilism in young people. Values were diagnosed with PVQ-R2 Questionnaire (S.Schwartz et al.), moral sphere - with Moral Foundations Questionnaire MFQ-Ru (O.A.Sychev et al.). In order to diagnose legal nihilism, a questionnaire was made which includes two scales characterizing disbelief in the law either as a generalized attitude (ideological legal nihilism) or disbelief in the law enforcement system as a result of enforcement practices (pragmatic legal nihilism). By the use of the confirmatory factor analysis it was shown that the separation of these constructs within the structure of legal nihilism (despite their strong correlation) was justified. Based on a sample of 283 students we established that legal nihilism in its different aspects is supported by the values of openness to changes, including independence of thought and conduct, hedonism and seeking stimulation, whereas it is opposed by the conservative values, including safety, tradition and conformism. Using structured linear modeling it was shown that belief in the rule of law is supported by autonomy ethics whereas trust in the law enforcement system is supported by community ethics. The results refine the conclusions previously drawn about the relationship between legal nihilism and values and add to the idea about morals as the basis of legal consciousness.


Russian Foundation for Basic Research


Federal State-Financed Educational Institution of Higher Education Moscow State University of Psychology and Education


General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Environmental Science

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