Cyber Hygiene as an Effective Psychological Measure in the Prevention of Cyber Addictions


Gulyamov S.S.1ORCID,Rodionov A.A.1ORCID


1. Tashkent State University of Law


<p style="text-align: justify;">Problematic internet use and addiction have grown globally with increased digital access and device usage. Individuals are spending more time online, frequently developing non-adaptive habits and addiction symptoms. This article investigates cyber hygiene&rsquo;s potential as an effective preventive approach against internet addiction through a cyberpsychology perspective. Cyber hygiene encompasses practices fostering responsible technology use to mitigate risks including internet addiction. A literature review reveals key internet addiction impacts, like mental health issues, social problems, and risky cyberbehaviors. Theoretical analysis evaluates interventions for internet addiction, determining cyber hygiene education has strong potential based on technology addiction models. Results suggest cyber hygiene reduces addiction symptoms by moderating online time, promoting healthy digital habits, and improving self-awareness of technology use. Examined hygiene strategies include monitoring usage, parental controls, and principles like avoiding digital distraction and setting screen time limits. While challenges remain, comprehensive cyber hygiene education combined with multilevel interventions can aid internet addiction prevention and mitigate consequences. The article concludes wide implementation of cyber hygiene education is needed, although additional research on long-term effectiveness is necessary.</p>


Moscow State University of Psychology and Education

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