Legal and organizational-methodical aspects of carrying out special psychophysiological researches with application of polygraph at carrying out selection in law enforcement (state) bodies: a condition and prospects of development


Vinogradov M.V.1,Ulyanina O.A.2


1. the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia Moscow

2. Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation


The article deals with the existing problems in the organizational, procedural and normative aspects of special psychophysiological research with the use of polygraph. The grounds for such inspection are discussed, the practice of carrying out special psychophysiological researches with the use of polygraph in the framework of professional psychological selection of candidates for service in various departments in the Russian Federation is analyzed. The effectiveness of such a procedure in the selection is evaluated. Statistical data on prevalence of detected risk factors of deviant (socially dangerous) behavior among candidates for service in law-enforcement bodies are provided. On the basis of the presented data, the correlation between the multi-stage selection system and incomplete in the internal Affairs bodies is discussed. Given the highlighted problematic issues in the activities of the experts of polygraph examiners analyzed the possible solutions in the form of proposed legislation regulating the procedure of holding of special psychophysiological researches with the use of the polygraph and job requirements for the polygraph in the form of developing professional standards. As part of the coverage of promising areas of development in the field of special psychophysiological research with the use of polygraph describes the main topics and content of the 12th annual seminar of polygraph examiners, which was held in March 2018 in Moscow on the Basis of the center for applied psychophysiology. This seminar was devoted to the consideration of modern technologies of polygraph application in Russia and abroad.


Federal State-Financed Educational Institution of Higher Education Moscow State University of Psychology and Education


General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Environmental Science

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