Child Participation in Russia: Theoretical and Practical Developments


Archakova T.O.1ORCID,Garifulina E.S.2ORCID


1. Charity Child Foundation “Victoria”

2. Moscow State University of Psychology & Education


The article analyzes the development of practice and development of theoretical grounds for child participation in contemporary Russia. Children’s participation is considered as an interdisciplinary field of research, and as the practice of taking into account children’s views at different levels: in everyday life, in family and in local community, in organizations and in self-government bodies. Children are considered as reflective actors: co-authors of research and evaluation of social projects. The analysis uses publications describing the practice and results of researching children’s participation; key legal documents; materials from expert discussions, as well as data on relevant international experience. Data on the views of various stakeholders — specialists, parents, and children themselves — on the issues of child participation are compared and contrasted. The authors conclude that there is no unified system of child participation in Russia, and the most common approaches to its study vary in their methodological groundings. The current situation does not pose serious controversy and threats to the development of children’s participation; it may be favorable for the diversification and competition of approaches to development of child participation practices and their study. Recommendations are given on the themes of further applied research.


Federal State-Financed Educational Institution of Higher Education Moscow State University of Psychology and Education

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