1. Center for Protection of Rights and Interests of Children
2. Moscow State University of Psychology and Education
<p>The article analyzes the experience of creating a thematic register of adolescent socialization programs based on the principles of an evidence–based approach — the Library of Practices of the Federal Adolescent Center. The principles of allocation of criteria for the analysis of competitive programs, as well as the design of Library sections based on the “Standard of Evidence of Practices in the Sphere of Childhood” are considered. The spectrum of socialization difficulties that modern adolescents face, highlighted by the authors of the programs, is discussed; the target groups of adolescents to work with whom the programs are directed. Conclusions are drawn that the evidence of effectiveness presented in the description of most programs is currently insufficient to confirm the social results claimed by the authors; about the need to organize scientific and methodological support and verification of results in the framework of research for both part of the programs already presented in the library and for the applicant programs. Conclusions are also drawn about the possibilities of practical application of the Library of Practices.</p>
Moscow State University of Psychology and Education
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