Examination of a Child with ASD in PsychologicalMedical-Pedagogical Commission with the Use of Assessment of Basic Language and Learning Skills, Revisited (ABBLS-R)


Ovsyannikova T.M.1,Lapshina S.A.2,Tyzhinova N.Yu.3,Berdnikova A.A.3


1. Center for diagnosis and counseling of the Moscow State University of Psychology and Education

2. Moscow Center for Education Quality, Central Psychological-MedicalPedagogical Comission

3. Moscow Center for Education Quality, Central Psychological-Medical-Pedagogical Commission


Problems of assessment of children with autism spectrum disorders during the psychological-medical-pedagogical commission (PMPC) are discussed. Psychological and pedagogical diagnostics of such children has its own specific, first of all, because of difficulties of contact establishment. In the period from January to October 2016, the specialists of the Central PMPC conducted 42 diagnostic procedures for children with ASD with the use of standard assessment methods and some scales of Assessment of Basic Language and Learning Skills, Revisited (ABBLS-R). Based on the results of the performed study, it was concluded that diagnostic procedures with the use of the ABLLS-R allows to identify areas of skills which are most in need of intervention as well as frequent deficiencies in the development of speech. Also, the technique allows you to objectively assess the level of development of such an important social skill as imitation and sensitivity to the nuances of others actions.


Federal State-Financed Educational Institution of Higher Education Moscow State University of Psychology and Education

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