1. Bronnikov V.A., Grigor’eva M.I., Vaitulevichyus N.G. et al. Early Intervention as a Part of Support System for Children with ASD and Their Families in Perm Region. Autizm i narusheniya razvitiya = Autism and Developmental Disorders (Russia), 2022, vol. 20, no. 1, pp. 20—28. (In Russ., abstr. in Engl.) DOI:10.17759/autdd.2022200103
2. Busygina N.P., Podushkina T.G., Stanilevskii V.V. Evidence-Based Approach in the Social Area: Basic Concepts and Guidelines, History, Prospects. Sotsial’nye nauki i detstvo = Social Sciences and Childhood, 2020, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 8—26. (In Russ., abstr. in Engl.) DOI 10.17759/ssc.2020010101.
3. Rogers S., Dawson G. Uchebnik po Denverskoi modeli rannego vmeshatel’stva dlya detei s autizmom: Razvivaem rech’, umenie uchit’sya i motivatsiyu [Early Start Denver Model for Young Children with Autism: Promoting Language, Learning, and Engagement]. Moscow: Publ. IP Tolkachev, 2019. 432 p. ISBN 978-5-9907565-9-5. (Transl. from Engl. into Russ.)
4. Starikova V., Dvoryaninova V.V., Balandina O.V. Application of the Early Care Program Based on the Early Start Denver Model for Children with ASD. Autizm i narusheniya razvitiya = Autism and Developmental Disorders (Russia), 2022, vol. 20, no. 1, pp. 29—36. (In Russ., abstr. in Engl.) DOI:10.17759/autdd.2022200104
5. Khasanova D.V., Kubasov A.V. Rol’ denverskoi modeli rannego vmeshatel’stva dlya detei s rasstroistvom autisticheskogo spektra kak sposob abilitatsii detei rannego vozrasta v sluzhbe rannei pomoshchi [The Role of the Denver Model of Early Intervention for Children with ASD as a Way of Habilitation of Young Children in the Early Care Service]. In Aktual’nye problemy obucheniya i vospitaniya lits s ogranichennymi vozmozhnostyami zdorov’ya: Materialy IV Vserossiiskoi zaochnoi nauchno-prakticheskoi konferentsii, posvyashchennoi 60-letiyu nachala podgotovki defektologov na Urale (Ekaterinburg, 22 aprelya 2022 goda) [Topical issues in education and upbringing for persons with disabilities: Proceedings of the 4th national extra-mural research-to-practice conference dedicated to 60 years of professional education for defectologists in Ural (Yekaterinburg, 22 April 2022)]. Yekaterinburg: Ural State Pedagogical University, 2022. Pp. 234—237. ISBN 978-5-7186-1973-7. (In Russ., abstr. in Engl.)