Integrated Approach in the Support of the Child with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Clinical Case Exploration


Pakhtusova N.A.1ORCID,Akmaev V.A.2ORCID,Nekrasova O.S.3ORCID


1. Neurology Clinic

2. Perm State Medical University

3. National Research University Higher School of Economics-Perm


<p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Objectives. </strong>The effects of the psycho-educational work in autism spectrum disorders (ASD) in preschool children is largely associated with timely comprehensive diagnostics. Present article aims to expound the possibilities of a mul&shy;tidisciplinary diagnostical and psycho-educational approach using the analysis of a clinical case of a child with ASD as an example.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Methods</strong>. Explored the clinical case of a 3 years 10 months old child with the registered ICD-10 DS F84.0 (Child&shy;hood Autism). The child underwent a comprehensive developmental diagnostics and follow-up psycho-educational training sessions with a multidisciplinary team of specialists: a neuropsychologist, special teacher, speech therapist, ABA-therapist. Developmental diagnostics was attained using such methods as adapted Lurian neuropsychological tests, VB-MAPP and social skills assessment.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Results</strong>. After the psycho-educational course child showed improvements in the following domains: communication, daily living skills, social interaction and cognitive functioning. Three factors influencing effects of work were identi&shy;fied: a multidisciplinary approach to diagnosis and training; regularity and continuity of sessions until sustainable results are achieved (in case of severe disorders &mdash; permanent work); using of various methods and tools for habilita&shy;tion within the general psycho-educational framework.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Conclusions</strong>. The complex diagnostics approach is relevant at all stages of psycho-educational work in order to indi&shy;vidualize the programs used in accordance with the current level of development of the child. The authors suggest that the applied behavior analysis techniques can be integrated into the program of complex psycho-educational work.</p>


Moscow State University of Psychology and Education


Environmental Engineering

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