Assessment of the Formation of Communication Skills Using VB-MAPP in Preschool Children with ASD


Gryaznova A.N.1ORCID,Vasina V.V.1ORCID


1. Kazan Federal University


The level of formation of communication skills in preschool children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) is studied. The article presents the material of an empirical study conducted in kindergartens in Kazan. The research involved 8 children aged 4 to 7 years with ASD. The authors focused on the criteria and indicators of the main functional classes of verbal behavior identified in the program of M. Sandberg "Assessment of milestones in the development of verbal behavior and building an individual intervention plan", VB-MAPP. The assessment is based on 170 parameters, which are divided into three age groups. The results obtained postulate a large spread of indicators on the test scales and the lack of dependence of the level of communication on age-suggest that all diagnosed children have a lack of development of communication and behavioral skills in all the presented groups, and other difficulties. The least formed were mands and intraverbal skills. All respondents need an intensive program of work, including the development of social skills: communication, speech comprehension, cooperation, and interaction.


Federal State-Financed Educational Institution of Higher Education Moscow State University of Psychology and Education

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